
Statement 3, PRINT COUNT, will be highlighted. The LOOP statement sends execution back to the first statement in the loop body.

If you said that the DO statement would be highlighted, that was a good answer. I think that it is not highlighted is just a quirk of the system.

Do Loops with a Loop Condition

The following program adds something to the DO statement:

' Loop with a loop condition
LET COUNT = 0            'Statement 1

DO WHILE COUNT <= 2      'Statement 2
  PRINT COUNT            'Statement 3
  LET COUNT = COUNT + 1  'Statement 4 


COUNT <= 2 is called a loop condition. It says under what condition the loop body (statements 3 and 4) will execute.

The loop body is executed only if COUNT is less than or equal to 2. If the loop body can't start, the next statement after LOOP is executed.

Here is how the program works:

The loop ended gracefully. Just before the loop body COUNT is tested. If it is less than or equal to two, the loop body is executed. Otherwise the statement after LOOP is executed.


How many times did the loop body execute? Click here for a